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Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:28 pm
by battye
I just had a look at the code responsible for the stats, it might be a quick fix (it seemed to fix the problem here at CMX just then).

Open includes/quiz_stats_class.php


Code: Select all

		$sql = 'SELECT SUM(quiz_correct) AS sum_correct, SUM(quiz_incorrect) AS sum_incorrect, user_id FROM ' . QUIZ_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_TABLE . '
				GROUP BY quiz_correct
				ORDER BY sum_correct DESC';

Code: Select all

		$sql = 'SELECT SUM(quiz_correct) AS sum_correct, SUM(quiz_incorrect) AS sum_incorrect, user_id FROM ' . QUIZ_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_TABLE . '
				GROUP BY user_id
				ORDER BY sum_correct DESC';
I'll get to the script question in a minute :)

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:34 pm
by subvertbeats
Your attention to detail is applaudable...ill check this now

edit: looks fixed here too!

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:41 pm
by battye
Try this, open subvertbeats_quiz.php (control_quiz.php) and FIND:


Code: Select all

foreach($users_names as $key => $val)

Code: Select all

				$counter = 0;
				foreach($users_names as $key => $val)
					if( $counter == 0 )
						echo 'QUIZ ID: ' . $quiz_id_key . '<br />';
Then FIND:

Code: Select all

					echo 'Info for ' . $val . ';<br />';
					echo '-- Correct: ' .  $correct_answers . '<br />';
					echo '-- Incorrect: ' .  $incorrect_answers . '<br />';
					echo '-- Quiz ID: ' . $quiz_id_key . '<br />';

Code: Select all

					echo $val . ' (correct: ' .  $correct_answers . ', incorrect: ' .  $incorrect_answers . ')<br />';

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:48 pm
by subvertbeats
I think we're almost there....
User Dent answered question 31 INCORRECTLY. They entered the answer F.
User subvertbeats answered question 31 CORRECTLY
User Dent answered question 30 INCORRECTLY. They entered the answer D.
User subvertbeats answered question 30 INCORRECTLY. They entered the answer D.
User Dent answered question 29 CORRECTLY
User subvertbeats answered question 29 INCORRECTLY. They entered the answer A.
Dent (correct: 1, incorrect: 2)
subvertbeats (correct: 1, incorrect: 2)
SQL Query entered

So, QUIZ ID and QUIZ NAME are not being outputted (need these), and the per user per question responses are still being printed (want to get rid of these, ideally just by commenting out so can re-enable later if any debugging needed)

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:16 pm
by battye
Sorry for the delay in replying, I was adding a new stats module (users with the highest quiz percentage) you can see it at (down the bottom).

To comment out the question parts... find these two lines and add // before them:

Code: Select all

							echo 'User <strong>' . $user_name_fetch . '</strong> answered question <strong>' . $question_id_set[$i] . '</strong> CORRECTLY<br />';

Code: Select all

							echo 'User <strong>' . $user_name_fetch . '</strong> answered question <strong>' . $question_id_set[$i] . '</strong> INCORRECTLY. They entered the answer <strong>' . $row['quiz_answer'] . '</strong>.<br />';

To fix the QUIZ_ID bit, find:

Code: Select all

					if( $counter == 0 )
						echo 'QUIZ ID: ' . $quiz_id_key . '<br />';
BEFORE ADD (there is another instance of this a little bit below, below the $incorrect_answers line - you can remove that now).

Code: Select all

$quiz_id_key = $users_information[$key]['quiz_id'];
To add the quiz name afterwards:

Now to add the QUIZ NAME...


Code: Select all

echo 'QUIZ ID: ' . $quiz_id_key . '<br />';


Code: Select all

 echo 'QUIZ ID: ' . $quiz_id_key . ' QUIZ NAME: ' . get_quiz_title($quiz_id_key) . '<br />';

Let me know if that works.

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:30 pm
by subvertbeats

So, its all looking great.

One safety feature Id like to put in is for the stats for a given comp to be removed when you change the answers (i.e. to prevent stats being recorded twice).
In reality, it shouldnt happen - but human error could easily mean an incorrect result is submitted with the form, or a result may be overturned after the event, in which case we need to update the quiz with the new answer.

Currently, new statistics get added when you resubmit answers

if its too complex dont worry, I guess Im hoping its a simple thing to do.

One the enter answers page, the questions are still in an incorrect order.
Strange, as I cant see why that would be. Is it working of for you there?

Here is my completes control_quiz.php

Code: Select all

// control_quiz.php

define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_quiz.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/quiz_stats_class.' . $phpEx);

// Start session management

   if( !$auth->acl_get('a_') )
      die('No access');

      if( $_GET['mode'] == 'deactivate' )
         $deactivate_id = (int) $_GET['id'];

         $sql = "UPDATE " . QUIZ_TABLE . " SET quiz_deactivate = 1
               WHERE quiz_id = $deactivate_id";
         die('Quiz id ' . $deactivate_id . ' has been deactivated');

      if( $_GET['mode'] == 'activate' )
         $activate_id = (int) $_GET['id'];

         $sql = "UPDATE " . QUIZ_TABLE . " SET quiz_deactivate = 0
               WHERE quiz_id = $activate_id";
         die('Quiz id ' . $activate_id . ' has been activated');

      if( $_GET['mode'] == 'enter_answers' )
         if( $_GET['a'] == 'submit' )
            $question_id_hidden = $_POST['questions'];
            $question_id_set = explode(',', $question_id_hidden);
            $question_id_set_count = sizeof($question_id_set) - 1;

            $users = array();
            $users_information = array();
            $users_names = array();

            for($i = 0; $i < $question_id_set_count; $i++ )
               $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . QUIZ_STATISTICS_TABLE . '
                     WHERE quiz_question_id = ' . $question_id_set[$i] . '
                     ORDER BY quiz_question_id ASC';
               $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
               while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
                  $users[$i] = $row['quiz_player'];

                  $user_sql = 'SELECT username FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . '
                            WHERE user_id = ' . $row['quiz_player'];
                  $user_result = $db->sql_query($user_sql);
                  $user_name_fetch = $db->sql_fetchfield('username');

                  $users_names[$row['quiz_player']] = $user_name_fetch;

                  $is_correct = 0;
                  $is_incorrect = 0;

                  if( $row['quiz_answer'] == $_POST['question' . $question_id_set[$i]] )
                     // echo 'User <strong>' . $user_name_fetch . '</strong> answered question <strong>' . $question_id_set[$i] . '</strong> CORRECTLY<br />';
                     $users_information[$row['quiz_player']]['quiz_id'] = $row['quiz_id'];
                     $users_information[$row['quiz_player']]['info'] = 'Question ' . $question_id_set[$i] . ' correct';

                     // echo 'User <strong>' . $user_name_fetch . '</strong> answered question <strong>' . $question_id_set[$i] . '</strong> INCORRECTLY. They entered the answer <strong>' . $row['quiz_answer'] . '</strong>.<br />';

                     $users_information[$row['quiz_player']]['quiz_id'] = $row['quiz_id'];
                     $users_information[$row['quiz_player']]['info'] = 'Question ' . $question_id_set[$i] . ' incorrect (' . $row['quiz_answer'] . ')';

            /* for( $j = 0, $j_count = sizeof($users); $j < $j_count; $j++ )
               echo 'Username: ' . $users_names[$users[$j]] . '<br />';
               echo '-- Correct: ' .  $users_information[$users[$j]]['quiz_correct'] . '<br />';
               echo '-- Incorrect: ' .  $users_information[$users[$j]]['quiz_incorrect'] . '<br />';
               echo '-- Quiz ID: ' .  $users_information[$users[$j]]['quiz_id'] . '<br />';
            } */

            $counter = 0;
            foreach($users_names as $key => $val)
				$quiz_id_key = $users_information[$key]['quiz_id'];
               if( $counter == 0 )
                  echo 'QUIZ ID: ' . $quiz_id_key . ' QUIZ NAME: ' . get_quiz_title($quiz_id_key) . '<br />';
               // $key is the user_id, $val is the username
               $correct_answers = ($users_information[$key]['quiz_correct']) ? $users_information[$key]['quiz_correct'] : 0;
               $incorrect_answers = ($users_information[$key]['quiz_incorrect']) ? $users_information[$key]['quiz_incorrect'] : 0;

               echo $val . ' (correct: ' .  $correct_answers . ', incorrect: ' .  $incorrect_answers . ')<br />';

               $statistical_overview_setup[] = array(
                  'quiz_id'         => (int) $quiz_id_key,
                    'quiz_correct'      => (int) $correct_answers,
                    'quiz_incorrect'   => (int) $incorrect_answers,
                  'user_id'         => (int) $key,
                  'quiz_time'         => (int) 0,

            $db->sql_multi_insert(QUIZ_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_TABLE, $statistical_overview_setup);

            echo 'SQL Query entered';


         $quiz_id = (int) $_GET['id'];
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . QUIZ_QUESTIONS_TABLE . '
               WHERE quiz_related_id = ' . $quiz_id;
         $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
         echo '<form action="control_quiz.php?mode=enter_answers&id=' . $quiz_id . '&a=submit" method="post">';
         $question_id_hidden = '';
         while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
            $question_id_hidden .= $row['quiz_question_id'] . ',';
            echo '<strong>Question: ' . $row['quiz_question'] . '</strong><br />';
            // echo 'Correct answer: <input type="text" name="question' . $row['quiz_question_id'] . '" />';
            echo 'Correct answer:';

            $ans = 'SELECT quiz_answer FROM ' . QUIZ_DATA_TABLE . '
                  WHERE quiz_question_id = ' . $row['quiz_question_id'];
            $ans_res = $db->sql_query($ans);
            while( $ans_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($ans_res) )
               echo '<input type="radio" value="' . $ans_row['quiz_answer'] . '" name="question' . $row['quiz_question_id'] . '" /> ' . $ans_row['quiz_answer'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';

            echo '<br /><br />';
         echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . $question_id_hidden . '" name="questions" />';
         echo '<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" />';
         echo '</form>';

         die(); // new

         echo 'Mode types:<br />
            <strong>control_quiz.php?mode=deactivate&id=XXX</strong><br />
            <strong>control_quiz.php?mode=activate&id=XXX</strong><br />

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:34 pm
by battye
One safety feature Id like to put in is for the stats for a given comp to be removed when you change the answers (i.e. to prevent stats being recorded twice).
In reality, it shouldnt happen - but human error could easily mean an incorrect result is submitted with the form, or a result may be overturned after the event, in which case we need to update the quiz with the new answer.

Currently, new statistics get added when you resubmit answers
You could remove all stats for a certain quiz with a single SQL query, run in phpMyAdmin:

Code: Select all

DELETE FROM phpbb_quiz_statistics_overview WHERE quiz_id = XXX;
Then re-run the control_quiz script with the correct answer.
One the enter answers page, the questions are still in an incorrect order.
Strange, as I cant see why that would be. Is it working of for you there?
Does the incorrect order matter? It doesn't really have an effect on anything. I did try and order them by id, but it seems like quite a minor thing.

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:39 pm
by subvertbeats
It is indeed a minor thing, and with that SQL code to delete the stats for a given quiz ID I think we're set!

Ive updated the OP, and everything in Phase 1 seems to be taken care of!

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:43 pm
by subvertbeats
Ahh not quite there....

The correct/incorrect ordering seems wrong:

QUIZ ID: 8 QUIZ NAME: Heres my test comp
Dent (correct: 1, incorrect: 2)
subvertbeats (correct: 2, incorrect: 1)
SQL Query entered

(in the above example subvertbeats should be above Dent, with less incorrect answers).

Is this working on your side?

edit: just fyi this is important because we get hundreds of users entering the comps, so proper sorting here enables us to easily find the winners, without risk of error

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:00 pm
by battye
Hmm, okay. I don't want to go too far down this path because this could be a very timely exercise.


Code: Select all

				$counter = 0;
				$highest_correct = 0;

Code: Select all

				$output_array = array();

Code: Select all

echo $val . ' (correct: ' .  $correct_answers . ', incorrect: ' .  $incorrect_answers . ')<br />';

Code: Select all

					$output_array[$correct_answers][] = $val . ' (correct: ' .  $correct_answers . ', incorrect: ' .  $incorrect_answers . ')<br />';
					$highest_correct = ($correct_answers > $highest_correct) ? $correct_answers : $highest_correct;

Code: Select all

				$db->sql_multi_insert(QUIZ_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_TABLE, $statistical_overview_setup);

Code: Select all

				for( $m = 0; $m <= $highest_correct; $m++ )
					$size_current_ca = sizeof($output_array[$m]);
					if( $size_current_ca > 0 )
						for( $n = 0; $n < $size_current_ca; $n++ )
							echo $output_array[$m][$n];

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:14 pm
by subvertbeats
Many thanks battye......Looks to be working, but in reverse:
QUIZ ID: 9 QUIZ NAME: Test Event
Kamara666 (correct: 0, incorrect: 3)
jnrpepaseed (correct: 1, incorrect: 2)
Dragonfoxy (correct: 1, incorrect: 2)
subvertbeats (correct: 2, incorrect: 1)
SQL Query entered
Is it simple to swap the order to be correct descending (aka incorrect ascending) ?

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:19 pm
by battye

Code: Select all

for( $m = 0; $m <= $highest_correct; $m++ )

Code: Select all

for( $m = $highest_correct; $m >= 0; $m-- )

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:23 pm
by subvertbeats
In the spirit of the site....and to remember one of the greats


Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:44 pm
by subvertbeats
One usage question on this battye....

If a match is cancelled, perhaps mid way through the week, when the comp is still open and lots of people have made their votes already, what is the correct procedure to remove that question from the comp (or mark it as invalid if removal is not possible), such that future entrants dont vote on that particular match, and most importantly, so the results for that particular match are not counted?

Thanks for your advice...

Re: UQM 2.0 - Predictions Extensions

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:50 am
by moongirl
subvertbeats wrote:One usage question on this battye....

If a match is cancelled, perhaps mid way through the week, when the comp is still open and lots of people have made their votes already, what is the correct procedure to remove that question from the comp (or mark it as invalid if removal is not possible), such that future entrants dont vote on that particular match, and most importantly, so the results for that particular match are not counted?

Thanks for your advice...

Subvertbeats...CMX's quiet achiever! :wink:
Congratulations on the Image rank that I missed at 25 posts...
and the new rank of Image you achieved at 50 posts! =D> ... 221#p99221