What game are you playing on your PC?

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Drain Brain
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quahappy wrote:Happy as a sandboy now. But I really must get some other work done.... ;)
Umm, these sandboys you speak of... what exactly are they and just how happy do you consider them to be?
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Happy, not Quappy
Happy, not Quappy
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At this precise moment in time.... I feel like a sandboy; got my head burred in the sand.
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Happy, not Quappy
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Got a little further in GTA SA but now given it a break and back to playing GTA III (PC version this time). Finally have GTA III, GTA Vice City and San Andreas on laptop. Even though laptop is pretty nifty, specs are not quite good enough to run GTA IV. :(
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Happy, not Quappy
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Getting right back into GTA SA - again. :D
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Happy, not Quappy
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Believe I'm on very last mission of GTA SA. And it's rock hard! That's just the missions though. Still got all the other stuff to find and do to attain 100% completed.... :)
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Miracle Worker
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For me, it's been Minecraft. Penny Arcade sums it up with this: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/9/17/ and this: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/9/20/

Minecraft is cross-platform. You can purchase the version in development, or play the old "creative" version for free. Creative is where you'll see colorful buildings and pixel art, where Survival has zombies and scarce resources.
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Layzie Bone
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Well right now my big thing is Forza 3 Motorsports...but that is an Xbox 360 game...
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Happy, not Quappy
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Giving GTA SA a break as still stuck on last level. Grrrr.

Currently playing Cannon Fodder via WinUAE (Amiga emulator). Who needs full-on 3D graphics? :)
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Happy, not Quappy
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I'm a Pinball freak (not wizard - yet) and have been delving into the world of Pinball emulation. Namely the excellent Future Pinball and Visual Pinball. Some amazing home-grown tables developed as well as tables converted from amusement Arcade. What's more - it's all free! Favourite tables atm are Road Girls and Steel Wheel (based on Amiga Pinball Dreams table).
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Playstation Quake II via ePSXE emulator. Great pick-up-and-play 3D shoot-em-up with straightforward game controls. :)
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Currently building up my MAME collection (again) and have been playing: 729, 1941, Outrun and Bad Dudes. And it don't cost me a penny!! ;)
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Intruder alert...Moongirl is watching you! :wink:

That's not the man in the moon...that's me ;)
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Replaying Tomb Raider series. :)
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This game is an Alien vs Marines fps/rts game. Each team has a commander than views their respective team from a "birds-eye" view and places buildings/defenses and issues orders to their team. The players Fight it out on maps where aliens try to spread infestation which changes the texture of the map's as it spread and marines try to destroy the alien home bases. The actual gameplay is not so dis-similar to counter-strike except one team doesn't have guns(aliens) and have to use different abilities to kill the marines. Although I have to say spitting acid, or biting off a marines head is imo, more satisfying than shooting something with a gun :) There are a bunch of different classes of player, such as support/healer, Heavy Gunner, Flamethrower/grenade launcher, Giant Rhino-like Alien that head buts and stomps on marines etc etc.

It's currently in beta-stage, but will be released in maybe 6-10 months so If it interests you I would recommend it! It's produced by an indie studio so your money doesn't go to some big box company. The Beta is already lots of fun though and U can get a full version of the game and beta access for like 30$ I think it is.(although I think they are gonna have a 2 for 1 deal coming for christmas so if this interests you, you might want to wait, 2 copies of the game for the price of 1)

Also for you people who don't have fancy new computers the Requirements for the game are supposed to be very low when it is released, similar to CS:Source.

http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSelection2HD (Australia's own NS2HD has a bunch of videos about the game)
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Seeing as I got a three month free subscription to onlive.com which incidentally, is close to running out already lol, I have been playing Bioshock. Wow. Impressive game from the amazing graphics, sound/music and gameplay.
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