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Moderator: CricketMX Forum Moderators

me here
Healing Hands
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I am sorry Freez did I say somewhere, this forum was only about WinMX? I dont recall that.
I will tell you what, I work hard to help people get the most out their WinMX and BT in the rooms. I send them to this forum for help, not to be told they are doomed by the people in charge here.
There is a diference between "Kissing a Programs Ass" and telling ppl "I moved on, others should do the same in my opinion." I no more attacked them, then you are me Freez. I read the statements made since those first remarks and you see the impartial opinion I would expect..

I do believe the flooding is working to some degree as is the taking down of trackers. But resilient users of both platforms stand together and fight back. I'm all for people using winmx, I just feel that an alternative should be known.
Now that is an impartial statement, so my post expressing my concern obviously made some sense.

Not once did I say this forum should only cuddle with WinMX, as I said..and will reiterate for you all.. I help people with All types of issues.. including BT. I want to cuddle them all!

As for attacking, I am just saying how I feel a Moderator of anysite should be positive to helping users of all the programs we promote.

You may be doing your best to promote WinMX and this site, but a lot of us were there for a hell of a lot longer than you, and until you have put in the time and dedication that we have to building a teaching/ learning environment then your "lets all cuddle with WinMX" philosophy holds little weight.

That sounds more like a personal attack: "hey you stupid kid dont buck the elders." I dont think you or anyone is capable of judging my dedication or knowledge of this program. I was sorry to see WCH go its way, but if you would spend some time in either of the CricketMX rooms you "might" get some idea just how dedicated we really are to helping ppl with all their needs not just WinMX. This forum is the heart of that operation as its our source of reference for people.

I think you are over reacting a bit. You are the only one I ever see in the rooms besides Battye. I am not going to say I liked your statement about not haveing winmx even installed. However it was the context of it that caused my convern, being posted after Grinch's statement gave a cascading effect to my eyes for new users to see.
You are the only Moderator that I acctually see posting and around the forum on a regular basis and no one wants you to step down based on posts made here.

As far as posting goes, you have seen the rooms. However unless any of you spend the amount of time I do in them you cant understand the time it takes to run and help the many we get in there. I run this machine 24/7 and unlike some hosts of some rooms on WinMX i am 'hands on' and proactive in them both. Rock and several others are in those rooms everyday as well. You've made these comments in the room and on here now and I really dont feel i can leave them unanswered.
I dont post in all sections of the forum and I am not a Mod here so sticking to the secions I can do some good with what time I have is well enough for me.

Look incase anyone missed it, my point is this..
I dont beleive we should give new users the impression that having WinMX is a waist of there time. I dont expect us to not talk about the positive and the negative sides to any program (including BT) i do all the time myself, I only wanted everyone to realize how that sounded to someone who may be a new user.

We should be united in saving all P2P systems in these days of legal assault and money hungry tactics.
So I would like for us all to step back and see that we are not the enemys here..
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I stand by my words and this has been a long time coming.. i post on here, maybe not much, but when i can, i do. As for pionting my post at MODS, i never did such a thing, i just questioned some MODS integrity towards the winmx world and forums!! There is no need to resign Rat, But if that is your feelings on the matter then go ahead!
But Remember No one Asked you too!!!

Also as being apart of the help room for winmx i think i have done a fair share of helping and also learning new stuff on the journey, which i tuely enjoyed. If Winmx didnt exist the i dont think forum would either ... would it?

That is the point of what we are trying to get accross ;)

And this is all i am going to say on this matter
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Hi guys and girls. Although its nice to see you all again, its not not nice to come into a thread of what I thought was a nice community fighting with each over something so small. Although the loyality towards both CricketMX and WinMX is something thats great to see, we have to remember that this world isn't built off just one view, religion is the best example.

CricketMX was originally opened as a community forum with a main focus on WinMX. As the forum grew, the members had a larger array of views and preferences. CricketMX administration has always supported other P2P applications and methods and regarding what personal views of Moderators on the forum is, it will stay that way. As far as I can see, although particular moderators use other P2P programs, it still doesn't mean they support it when they can and would always be happy to help out with support requests.

Please guys, lets put this fanboy bias behind us. I honestly don't think, unless they go on some anti-WinMX vendetta, that moderators using other P2P programs will in any way effect the WinMX community, moderators and administration will always support WinMX as well as other P2P suport as BT.

Respect each other, respect each other's views, and most of all lets try to get along! Friends don't need to be split up just because they use different P2P programs!

Nice seeing the old faces, nice to see the support for WinMX :)

PS just for flavour, I am currently still using WinMX as well as eMule and IRC bots =)
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As the senior Moderator here I have one last thing to say.

This has been about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. The actual basis of this forum started out being about an HTML editor Battye was working on called CricketMX. THe origional intent was never to be a WinMX or any other p2p app support forum but this is what it has grown into. We clashed with Filbreech on this very subject and look who is still around. The reason I still come here besides my loyalty to battye and the fact that I put a lot of time and effor into this site is because of the people here, not for what we do here. If a winmx user comes to me with a winmx related problem I will try and help them but I will also tell them to give BT a try and will help them with it. Users should be made aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the apps we talk about and if the users takes my opinion as the word of God then they have bigger problems then we can support. Just because I am a Moderator does not mean I am the supreme knowledge holder. I am a blunt and frank person and I will tell you how it is from my side of the fence. If your feelings get hurt go to church on Sunday and get 7 new ones.
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What needs to be said has been said by my moderators, so I only have a one point to add.

Using difference of opinion to attack staff of any forum is outrageous. Whether or not the moderators use WinMX, BT, or any P2P application at all is irrelevent to their position as moderator. in 2022: Still the home of bat's, rat's and other farmyard animals!

"OK, life [as you chose to define it] repeats until there are no more lessons to be learned." - nrnoble (June 12, 2005)
"the new forum looks awesome, it's getting bigger & better" - p2p-sharing-rules (11 Jan, 2008)
"Looks like CMX is not only getting bigger...but, also getting better!!" - moongirl (14 Dec, 2007)