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Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:56 am
by Lugsciath

It appears you have tried to submit this quiz multiple times.
Yeah! Now its more informative ;), waiting on the basic alpha ...



Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:21 pm
by darkonia
runs all good, no errors appears by me xD

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:57 pm
by quahappy
Apologies for not being much help over past couple of weeks. Just upgraded from phpBB2 to phpBB3 and I'm the only one amongst the team of administrators / moderators at my site that could do all the work. All sorted now. :D

Anyhow, had a little time to check a few things and here's my report (browser used: Firefox) ;)

Save Quiz feature

If you click on Save Quiz before the timer runs out. Click browser back, the timer starts from the top again. Scope for cheating maybe? Would it be fairer to save time remaining as well?

I'm a little confused over this message when I tried to play same quiz again:

A cheating attempt has been detected. You cannot leave a quiz and later re-enter it without going through the save process.

... does this mean somewhere on UQM main page, there will be a "Your Saved Quizzes Games" list? (just one or more?)

I presume that in normal circumstances, if I selected the same Quiz above from a list of quizzes to play, and I've already played it through, the message I'd get is something like:

You have already played this Quiz

Countdown timer

Wish I can remember how I did this now. The majority of work was from you (battye) ;)

The display I had within UQM at phpBB2 looked like this:

Time remaining: 00:01:28

There was also no box outline - might had just been the template set-up I had at the time. But I know at this stage, it's to check everything is functioning so I'll keep quiet in the corner. :)

Quiz results

If I click browser back when Quiz results are displayed, the quiz starts again although on selecting Submit (during quiz play) I do get the following message: It appears you have tried to submit this quiz multiple times.. I'd change it to: You have already played this quiz!

Would it be possible to replace unanswered questions by quiz played with: You answered (No answer selected / given!)


Damn it! Tried everything... creating a new quiz (leaving fields blank on purpose), clicked on Categories, etc, etc, and no SQL errors or anything. Exactly what you want to hear (read) lol. Well done battye. :D

I don't want to jeopardise myself by coming up with suggestions at this point....otherwise you'll shoot me! :lol:

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:55 am
by darkonia
any new news?

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 4:45 pm
by battye
Thanks for reminding me darkonia! I have done the stats page. In fact, I am happy to release the pre-alpha version tomorrow (it's after midnight now, so I will package it in the morning).

You can see what it's like at (notice the link to the statistics page and the submit quiz page). :D

I will also post some instructions about which tables to add (I will post the SQL here so all you have to do is paste it into phpMyAdmin) :)

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 9:16 pm
by quahappy
battye wrote:I have done the stats page. In fact, I am happy to release the pre-alpha version tomorrow (it's after midnight now, so I will package it in the morning).
Great! Look forward to that. :D

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 5:23 pm
by mallix
This module would be great !!

When there ll be a stable version ?

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:52 am
by Lugsciath
I was busy since two weeks because of moving to another hoster with my url(s) and my databases. So i cant test the UQM at moment very well - but i will try it in a few days if all is well and done. Don´t think i wont testing anymore ;) ... i´m just busy with the own webspace and domains :)

Greetings to all


Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:15 pm
by Ivellios
I have much of free time, so I made polish translation of UQM :P

Code: Select all

* Ultimate Quiz MOD [English]
* @package language
* @version $Id: quiz.php, battye (c) 2004, 2005, 2008
* @copyright (c) 2008 battye,
* @license GNU Public License

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
   $lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
   'QUIZ' => 'Quiz',   

   // Functions
   'SELECT_A_CATEGORY'            => 'Wybierz kategorię',
   'SELECT_A_CATEGORY_EXPLAIN'      => 'Wybierz taką kategorię, do której najbardziej będzie pasował twój quiz.',
   // Submit quiz
   'SELECT_NUMBER'               => 'Ilość pytań',
   'SELECT_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'         => 'Możesz wpisać od <strong>%1$s</strong> do <strong>%2$s</strong> pytań w tym quizie. Ile pytań chciałbyś dać?',

   'SUBMIT_QUIZ'                => 'Wyślij quiz',
   'SELECT_QUIZ_NAME'             => 'Wybierz nazwę dla tego quizu',
   'SELECT_QUIZ_NAME_EXPLAIN'      => 'Ta nazwa widoczna będzie na liście quizów. Wybierz nazwę krótką, ale taką, która pozwoli użytkownikom zorientować się, o czym jest ten quiz.',
   'ENTER_QUESTION'            => 'Wpisz swoje pytanie',
   'IS_TRUE_FALSE'               => 'Pytanie typu prawda czy fałsz',
   'NOT_TRUE_FALSE'            => 'Aby oddzielić od siebie opcje wielokrotnego wyboru, umieść każdą z nich w nowej linii. W przypadku pojedynczego wyboru wpisz tylko jedną linijkę tekstu.',
   'SUBMIT_INFORMATION'         => 'Wpisz pytania w każdym z %1$s pól widocznych poniżej. W przypadku pytań typu prawda czy fałsz, zaznacz opcję - nie trzeba wtedy wpisywać nic do znajdującego się wyżej pola. W przypadku pytania z pojedynczym wyborem po prostu wpisz odpowiedź do większego pola. W przypadku pytań z możliwością zaznaczenia kilku odpowiedzi musisz wpisać %2$s różnych odpowiedzi, umieszczając każdą z nich w nowej linijce. Po wysłaniu tej strony będziesz musiał zaznaczyć prawidłowe odpowiedzi w każdym z pytań.',
   'VERIFY_SUBMIT_INFORMATION'    => 'Przy pytaniach z możliwością zaznaczenia kilku odpowiedzi wybierz poprawną odpowiedź, klikając w pole znajdujące się po lewej stronie obok odpowiedzi. Przy pytaniach typu prawda czy fałsz musisz wybrać, czy odpowiedź jest fałszywa czy prawdziwa. Wpisane odpowiedzi nie muszą być weryfikowane, zostaną zapisane w takiej formie, w jakiej zostały podane.',
   'TRUE_FALSE_TRUE'            => 'Prawda',
   'TRUE_FALSE_FALSE'            => 'Fałsz',
   'QUIZ_SUBMISSION_SUCCESSFUL'   => 'Twój quiz został zapisany w bazie.<br /><br />%sWróć do strony głównej quizów.%s',

   'OUTSIDE_QUESTION_PARAM'      => 'Nie wybrałeś liczby spomiędzy <strong>%1$d</strong> a <strong>%2$d</strong>, wróć i spróbuj ponownie.',
   'NUMBER_QUESTIONS_UNDEFINED'   => 'Nie została podana ilość pytań w tym quizie, wróć do poprzedniej strony i popraw ten błąd.',
   'TOO_MANY_CHOICES'            => 'Wybrałeś <strong>więcej niż %s</strong> opcji! Wróć i popraw ten błąd, inaczej jedna z <strong>błędnych</strong> odpowiedzi zostanie losowo usunięta.<br /><br />',
   'EMPTY_QUESTION'            => 'Jedno lub więcej pytań nie zostało wypełnione! Naciśnij WSTECZ w swojej przeglądarce by powrócić do poprzedniej strony, i upewnij się że żadne z pól nie pozostało puste.',
   'EMPTY_ANSWER'            => 'Jedną lub więcej odpowiedzi pozostawiłeś pustą. Naciśnij WSTECZ w swojej przeglądarce by powrócić do poprzedniej strony, i upewnij się że żadne z pól nie pozostało puste.',

Is there a possibility to test some alpha or beta version of this mod? :)

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:36 pm
by pcmander
Where can i download this mod?

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:49 pm
by battye

I'm very sorry for the delays again, after I had some time about 2 months ago I have been very busy again. But I will force myself to continue development again now (hopefully tomorrow) :)

Thank you Ivellios for the Polish translation! For Ivellios and pcmander, if I cannot make a new version with lots of new features in the next couple of days, I will email you both the pre-Alpha release which I had made. :D

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:11 pm
by zagor256
I would also want to test your Quiz mod :)
Thank you

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:15 pm
by battye
Sorry I haven't posted, but I have been working on finishing the next stage of UQM... and I now believe it is complete... the Quiz Control Panel.

Please feel free to test it at (you should only be allowed to edit/delete/move your own quizzes, admins can of course alter any quiz).

Tomorrow, I'm hoping it should be relatively straight forward seeing there are only a few options, I will write the ACP component to allow admins to change the quiz config values.

I will then write up an install script, and once that is done I will release the first proper Alpha. It should then be a pretty smooth run with the only big thing remaining being the conversion script from v1.2.x/1.3.x to this v2.0.0.

Thanks for everyone's patience :D

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:16 pm
by quahappy
The Quiz Control Panel functions perfectly and certainly looks complete. What's more, it remembered all my answers! (Something phpBB2 UQM didn't). Only one quiz of mine showed up so presumed you've cleaned up database lol. Can I still create some more to test further?

Way up above I posted about quiz play mode, the timer and other bits. Any more thoughts on changing the style (making font bigger without the "box out"?

Good work battye. :D

Re: Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 Progress

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:57 am
by xpmen

the french language file :D

This is just the beginning, long enough to finish the mod, I will if nécesaire of change once your finished mod

Code: Select all

* Ultimate Quiz MOD [French]
* @package language
* @version $Id: quiz.php, battye (c) 2004, 2005, 2008
* @copyright (c) 2008 battye,
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'QUIZ' => 'Quiz',	

	// Functions
	'SELECT_A_CATEGORY'				=> 'Selectionner une catégorie',
	'SELECT_A_CATEGORY_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Sélectionner une catégorie qui correspond le mieux à votre genre de quiz.',
	// Submit quiz
	'SELECT_NUMBER'					=> 'Nombre de questions',
	'SELECT_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Vous pouvez entrer entre <strong>%1$s</strong> et <strong>%2$s</strong> questions dans le quiz. Combien de question voulez vous inclure?',

	'SUBMIT_STEP_1'					=> 'Etape 1 sur 3 - Entrer votre quiz!',
	'SUBMIT_STEP_2'					=> 'Etape 2 sur 3 - Entrez les réponses!',
	'SUBMIT_STEP_3'					=> 'Etape 3 sur 3 - Vérifiez si tout est correct!',

	'SUBMIT_QUIZ' 					=> 'Envoyer un quiz',
	'SELECT_QUIZ_NAME' 				=> 'Selectionner un titre a votre quiz',
	'SELECT_QUIZ_NAME_EXPLAIN'		=> 'C\'est le nom qui apparaîtra dans la liste des quiz. Choisissez un nom qui est bref, mais qui aide le joueur a déterminer le genre du quiz.',
	'ENTER_QUESTION'				=> 'Entrer votre question question',
	'IS_TRUE_FALSE'					=> 'Vrai ou faux',
	'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_QUESTION'		=> 'Multiple choix sur les questions',
	'INPUT_ANSWER_QUESTION'			=> 'Répondre à la question',
	'MULTIPLES_REVEAL'				=> 'Alternatives',
	'NOT_TRUE_FALSE'				=> 'Séparez vos différent choix par l\'ajout de chaque option sur une nouvelle ligne. Pour une entrer uniquement, entrer une seule ligne de texte.',
	'SUBMIT_INFORMATION'			=> 'Entrez les questions dans chacun des %1$s champs ci-dessous. Pour de vraies et fausses questions, cliquez sur la case à cocher pour le valider . Lors de la saisie des questions et leur réponse, il suffit de taper la réponse dans la grande case prévue à cette effet. Pour des choix multiples, vous devez fournir %2$s alternatives, en les mettant chacune sur une nouvelle ligne. Vous serez invité à sélectionner la bonne réponse pour chaque question, après l\'envoi de cette page.',
	'VERIFY_SUBMIT_INFORMATION' 	=> 'Pour les réponses à choix multiples, choisissez la réponse qui est correct en cliquant sur la case à gauche de la réponse. Pour de vrai et de fausses réponses, sélectionnez soit vrai ou faux.',
	'FINAL_VERIFY_SUBMIT'			=> 'Vérifier toutes les donnée, si elles sont correctes, cliquez sur «Envoyer» ci-dessous.',
	'TRUE_FALSE_TRUE'				=> 'Vrai',
	'TRUE_FALSE_FALSE'				=> 'Faux',
	'CORRECT_ANSWER'				=> 'Bonne réponse',
	'QUIZ_SUBMISSION_SUCCESSFUL'	=> 'Votre quiz a été entré avec succès dans la base de données.<br /><br />%sRetour vers la page index du quiz.%s',

	'OUTSIDE_QUESTION_PARAM'		=> 'Vous n\'avez pas choisi un nombre  <strong>%1$d</strong> et <strong>%2$d</strong>, Revenez en arrière et essayez à nouveau.',
	'NUMBER_QUESTIONS_UNDEFINED'	=> 'Le nombre de questions n\'a pas été défini, Retourner a votre page et corriger.',
	'TOO_MANY_CHOICES'				=> 'Une ou plusieurs de vos questions à choix multiples à <strong>plus de %s</strong> choix!  supprimer tout les excès de choix.<br /><br />',
	'EMPTY_QUESTION'				=> 'Vous avez laissé un ou plusieurs champs vides! Cliquez sur le bouton retour de votre navigateur pour revenir à la page précédente, et assurer vous de modifier les champs laissés vides.',
	'EMPTY_ANSWER'					=> 'Vous avez laissé un ou plusieurs champs de réponse vide. Cliquez sur le bouton retour de votre navigateur pour revenir à la page précédente, et assurer vous de modifier les champs laissés vides.',
	'EMPTY_QUIZ_FIELDS'				=> 'Vous avez laissé des champs vides! Assurez-vous que chaque champ est rempli correctement.',
	'EMPTY_RADIO_BOX'				=> 'Vous avais, sélectionnez une ou plusieurs possibilité, ce qui signifie que vous avez encore besoin de sélectionner un choix multiples et / ou vrai / faux, <strong>ou</strong> vous n\'avez pas encore rempli le questionnaire et la catégorie.',

	// Index
	'QUIZ_PASSWORD_PROTECTED_CAT'	=> 'Un mots de passe est demander pour l\'accés a cette catégorie',
	'VIEW_QUIZ_CATEGORIES'			=> 'Selectionner une catégorie',
	'NUMBER_OF_QUIZ_INDEX_PLURAL'	=> '%d quizzes',
	'NUMBER_OF_QUIZ_VIEWS_SINGLE'	=> '%d affichage',
	'NUMBER_OF_QUIZ_VIEWS_PLURAL'	=> '%d affichages',
	'QUIZ_NAME'						=> 'Nom du Quiz',
	'QUIZ_AUTHOR'					=> 'Auteur',
	'QUIZ_DATE'						=> 'Date d\'envoie',
	'QUIZ_VIEWS'					=> 'Affichages',

	// Play quiz
	'PLAY_QUIZ'						=> 'Jouer au Quiz',
	'QUIZ_SAVE'						=> 'Sauvegarder le Quiz',
	'QUIZ_TIME_REMAINING'			=> 'Temps restant (en secondes)',
	'QUIZ_NO_TYPE_SUBMIT'			=> 'Ce questionnaire a été ni, soumis ni enregistrées',
	// Answers page
	'SHOW_RESULTS_INCORRECT'		=> 'You answered <strong>%s</strong><br />The correct answer was <strong>%s</strong>',
	'SHOW_RESULTS_CORRECT'			=> 'You correctly answered <strong>%s</strong>',
	'TIME_SUMMARY'					=> 'You completed the quiz in <strong>%d</strong> seconds',
	'RESULTS_SUMMARY'				=> 'Correct answers: <strong>%d</strong><br />Incorrect answers: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'QUIZ_RESULTS'					=> 'Quiz resultats',
	'QUIZ_TIME_EXCEEDED'			=> 'You have exceeded the time limit permitted for this quiz. You took <strong>%d</strong> seconds. Your answers were not saved.',
	'QUIZ_PROGRESS_SAVED'			=> 'This quiz has been saved. You may resume it at a later date',
	'CHEATING_ATTEMPT'				=> 'You are seeing this error because one of several events might have occurred:<br /><br />- A cheating attempt may have been detected. You cannot leave a quiz and later re-enter it without going through the save process.<br />- You have tried to resubmit a quiz that you have exceeded the time limit on<br />- You have already played this quiz, and the admin does not allow multiple attempts.',
	'MULTIPLE_SUBMISSION'			=> 'It appears you have tried to submit this quiz multiple times.',

	// statistics
	'QUIZ_STATISTICS'				=> 'Quiz statistiques',
	'QUIZ_PLAYER'					=> 'Quiz joueur',
	'QUIZ_CORRECT'					=> 'Correct',
	'QUIZ_INCORRECT'				=> 'Incorrect',
	'QUIZ_PERCENTAGE'				=> 'Pourcentage',

	// statistic module names
	'QUIZ_BEST_RESULTS_STATS'			=> 'Meilleurs resultats',
	'QUIZ_MOST_PLAYED_STATS'			=> 'Les plus populaires',
	'QUIZ_MOST_CORRECT_ANSWERS_STATS'	=> 'La plupart des réponses correctes',
	// 'QUIZ_HIGH_PERCENT_ANSWERS_STATS'	=> 'Highest percentage of correct answers',
